Cork Dorks

Proprietary Felted Cork, laser engraved, hand stitched leather clasp.

Neil has been  struggling to keep up with technology for years, preferring a more analog lifestyle over the virtual world.  All that changed when he dove in head first with his 10 inch iPad pro for reviewing drawings on site.

Panicked that he might not resist the urge to use his tablet as a hammer on slow internet days, I fashioned a protective cover for it and tossed a logo on it just to see if we could.

We created a felted cork for the project, which yielded some really interesting possibilities, including being a great foil for laser engraving.  It’s firm, somewhat rigid, but with a pliability that allowed it to flow through a sewing machine for the final stitching.

It can’t compete on price to manufacture, but it sure makes up for it in style!

Lean & Green

Sticks, not stones. Why not wood for your custom countertop.

When we took over our shop, we had no place to make coffee.  So in the interest of productivity, and dealing with a tight budget ($0) we built this countertop out of scrap and offcuts.


Hardwoods used were walnut, maple, mahogany, white oak, and wenge, and we applied a hand rubbed Osmo finish which is still holding up strong!


Next project, a dining room table with this design, what do you think?